Friday, April 25, 2008

Still in China

Well hi folks,

It's been a while since i last posted, Iv been busy and have slowly settled into life as a guide in Yangshuo.
The job is great fun and i find myself travelling around the local area with family's and school groups teaching climbing, kayaking, abseil, back country trekking and a host of other activity's. I've just got back from a few days of fun running activity's for 100 or so grade 10 children up in a place called Nambeihu, which is near Shanghai, so have been away for a week including travelling there and back by train.
The pay is rubbish if you look at it from a money perspective but the payoffs, spending days outside and teaching people new skills in a great environment make good rewards in themselves.
I now get to enjoy a few days off before the next groups come in so i hope to get out climbing and catch up with the girlfriend who has been down in Nanning finishing her final paper.

Life is much different here than i first imagined and a layed back approach is taken to daily life, although herding groups of children around can be fairly intensive and i find myself having to restrain myself from swearing at them occasionally.

I hope that life for everyone back home in the UK is good and hope your all well, I miss the peak district from time to time but know i will be coming back there a more fulfilled person and hopefully with a bit more focus and direction in life.

I still have another couple of months here, providing i can get my second visa extension next month, I will then be off to Oz where i will have to get back into the traveling frame of mind and with luck will find many more adventures to add to the ones I'm experiencing in China.

I think i will be back in China later in the year as I'm having so much fun here but as always that menacing aspect of money creeps up on you and i may need to earn some proper money in Oz before retuning.
I will try to post more often and give you a better idea of what I've been doing in Yangshuo which if you've not been is a crazy town but very addictive.