Thursday, May 7, 2009

Back in the UK

well i made it back..
What more can i say. its nice to see family and friends again. but so much has changed.

I drive around the streets and am seeing new building and road all the time.

My family has changed, my frinds have changed also. the have new jobs, more responsibilities, many have children. it all feels a little peculier. like iv come back but into a different dimention. where everything is just a bit different.

I have the lyrics from radiohead creep dancing through my head. "But Im a creep, Im a weirdo. What the hell am I doing here? I dont belong here."

I think it will just take time to adjust. after all its been 19 months or more and i have exsperienced so much in that time that has changed me i guess i just need to reajust. like getting comfy in a favorite seat after somone else has sat in it.. or putting on an old coat thats been hung up for a long time.. you know how it should be and feel but it just dosn't fit right at first.. it needs a bit of wearing in again.

well i need to find a job ASAP and work out a few things but so far its been nice to be back. to have a home again.. even if its not my own...